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GP anternna support

GP antenna support Here is a preliminary design of a ground plane antenna support designed for three legged towers. A swivel arrangement is used to accommodate any spacing between tower legs. each brace could be at least two and a half feet long (the longer the better). This is the clearance between the antenna and the tower, Note that as the antenna flexes in strong wind, the antenna may hit the tower if the brace length is insufficient. The setup may be further improved by using clamps to attach it to the tower leg instead of lashing it with GI wire. This will depend on budget constraints. Please mind the specified mast diameter.

The key is the KEY!

Walking into a room filled with the sound of Morse Code as the girl scouts warmed up for the contest can make any ham feel like he or she is walking on air. One cannot help but feel that Ham Radio will have a bright future with the way these girls scouts are taking to Morse Code, the native tongue of Ham Radio. It is an ecstatic feeling. If you want to experience it first hand, consider asking your club members to sponsor such kind of activity for the girl scouts in your area , specially those from councils you have worked with during INFEX.  I have found that for many scouts, speaking into a microphone of a radio is no challenge as they are used to cellphones and what not, but Morse Code? That is something new to them, at first mysterious, at the same time way cool and challenging. It requires that something EXTRA. It may be the best way to attract young people to Ham Radio. I believe a code based ham program for girl scouts is the way to go. Morse...

Thank you!

We have many to thank for the happy success we had in the recently concluded "Fun with Morse Code" inter high school contest. Many years of close association between the Mandaluyong Girl Scout Council and our club 480 Homebrewers (Dick de Jesus DU1DT, president ) through countless Jamborees on the Air, and INFEX contests (a Girl Scout of the Philippines Radio sponsored activity) has honed the communication skills and confidence level of many girl scouts from Mandaluyong. The  Scout Council has several INFEX championships under its belt. Only a month ago Dick, DU1DT donated 12 morse key / practice oscillator sets to 12 schools in the council. Today, I was pleasantly surprised that the first placer got 142 points out of 300 points maximum score in CW copy, which to me was remarkable. Note that all team members had to take turns at the key, sending. Some had a better fist than me. HIHI. I suppose one factor that made them do well is the fact that many practiced well and some ...

First "Fun with Morse Code" Inter highschool Contest photos

The First "Fun with Morse Code" Inter highschool Contest - Mandaluyong Girl Scout Council with 480 Homebrewers DX1HB. Ten high schools participated. Mandaluyong Science High School won first place.  Congratulations ! True to the contest title, all girl scouts had a Fun day, from fist warm-up to awards ceremony! Icom IC-735 sidetone used as oscillator, VOX off) with German Junker straight key. Photos by Maria Teresa Rdy

first Girl Scout Inter High Morse Code contest

Ramon Reyes September 25 at 10:19am The 480 Homebrewers DX1HB is proud to part of the first Girl Scout Inter High Morse Code contest in Mandaluyong this Friday. We hope the project, brainchild of DX1HB members Cynthia DV1SGD and Banjo DU1SGD will be the start of a nationwide Amateur Radio awareness program for the Girl Scouts. With your support, we look forward to the day when more scouts will be licensed and owners of a CW QRP station.