Thank you!

We have many to thank for the happy success we had in the recently concluded "Fun with Morse Code" inter high school contest.
Many years of close association between the Mandaluyong Girl Scout Council and our club 480 Homebrewers (Dick de Jesus DU1DT, president ) through countless Jamborees on the Air, and INFEX contests (a Girl Scout of the Philippines Radio sponsored activity) has honed the communication skills and confidence level of many girl scouts from Mandaluyong. The Scout Council has several INFEX championships under its belt. Only a month ago Dick, DU1DT donated 12 morse key / practice oscillator sets to 12 schools in the council. Today, I was pleasantly surprised that the first placer got 142 points out of 300 points maximum score in CW copy, which to me was remarkable. Note that all team members had to take turns at the key, sending. Some had a better fist than me. HIHI. I suppose one factor that made them do well is the fact that many practiced well and some had already exposure to actual radio operation (JOTA and INFEX) at our amateur club field station. The JOTA and INFEX "veterans" had a higher confidence levels entering the contest. My conclusion is: given a chance and provided with more radio operation exposure, all these girl scouts can do quite well. If you or your club has time and equipment to spare, why not join the JOTA and INFEX girl scouts activities (if you haven't already). You can then help them gain proficiency as communicators and of course the self confidence that goes with it. And who knows? Perhaps, one day the morse that they send will not only be heard inside the same room but in the radio rooms of hams across the seas and oceans. 73 du1fv

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