A UP ERG DX1UP Howto for installing Droidstar

A UP ERG DX1UP Howto for installing Droidstar (formerly "dudestar") on a Win 10 pc to run DMR (Digital Mobile Radio).

Jan 14, 2023
Intro This app serves to emulate radio hardware that allows you to talk to other licensed radio amateurs around the world. In this version, the app will use the registered radio callsign of the UP ERG.
Station identification is mandatory.
Anybody using this app should identify at least once every ten minutes by saying "This is DX1UP delta x-ray one uniform papa" while talking and identify again at the end of the conversation. 1. Download 64 bit build from dudetronics.com
2. Run the executable on your pc (windows might complain but choose "run anyway")

3. In the main tab, specify DMR as mode in the first dropdown list on the right, and choose the brandmeister master server name from the drop down list [use BM_5151_Philippines], and specify the talk group id (TGID) [here you have a choice... this is like the "channel" of the "radio", 91 is the international talkgroup where you can talk with foreign stations. if you like we can try and talk on my club talkgroup 515101, but you have to let me know by discord if you want to talk to me on 515101 first] you want to use.

In the settings tab, fill in your callsign [ use DX1UP], and for DMR ID [put in 5150418],for ESSID [use 10], for BM password [ask UP ERG member 4G1OAO aka silikeite#4489 in discord]. Please note that this app also emulates not only a physical DMR radio but also a physical DMR hotspot - (a DMR hotspot is the interface between the an actual radio appliance such as a portable or base radio and the internet), A hotspot password must be set for you to connect to the DMR network. This password is needed so that your voice will be carried by the different master servers around the world. It is possible for two or more ERG members to use this app so that they can practice talking to each other using their own individual pcs but each one must set a unique ESSID (ranges from 1-99) in the settings tab. Under no circunstances should two pcs using the app have the same DMR ID and same ESSID as this may cause network disruption. This is why knowledge of the BM password should be tightly controlled by UP ERG.
(The ideal situation which we should strive for is that all DX1UP members should be licensed and have his or her own individual callsign (and consequently unique DMR ID) set up on the app on their PCs. The reason being that any station around the world listening to you will see your personal callsign on the app, rather than the callsign "DX1UP".

Even after you graduate, as long as you maintain your radio license, you can use this app to talk to all licensed amateur radio stations of the network around the globe.

In a way, this is a great way for DX1UP members to keep in touch with each other after graduation.)

4. Please download the winnt.x86_64 vocoder from https://va2dg.ca/dl/droidstar/ 5. create a folder named test in c drive and in that folder create a folder named example 6. copy the plugin you downloaded into the "example" folder. 7. in the setting tab of droidstar go to the Vocoder URL box and type in file:/test/example/vocoder_plugin_winnt.x86_64

8. press the download vocoder button 9. Press the "connect" button. This connects your app to the master server you specified.

If you have successfully installed the vocoder and after you make a connection to amaster server, you can check the log tab and it should something like this:

10a. Once you are connected, you will start monitoring the activity on the talkgroup you chose and be able to hear all the coversations there.
10b. When conected you must listen first to check if somebody is using the talkgroup before you momentarily press the TX (transmit) button. One momentary pres of the TX button latches the "radio" in transmit mode. Do not transmit when somebody is talking.
10c. When you hear no one talking, momentarily press the PTT button. The button will turn red and you can be heard by anyone, in the world listening to that talkgroup. Proceed to identify yourself with "This is DX1UP, Delta x-ray one uniform papa standing by." This is the appearance of the app main tab once you TX (transmit):

10d. after speaking just momentarily tap the PTT button to stop transmitting and then listen for any answer. If somebody does reply, wait 3 seconds before pressing the PTT again. This is important because dealys are characteristic of digital voice communications of this mode.
10e. After the conversation or after giving un answered calls, identify again and add "DX1UP out" and be sure to press Disconnect. originally posted in a facebook group for hams on 07/11/2022 revised (ver. 1.12) for DX1UP use.
A version of this app can also be installed in an Android phone.


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